Wythenshawe Village 135 Extra Care Scheme

Wythenshawe Village 135 Extra Care Scheme

Project Summary


M&E Design & Installation


£3 million +


Quartzelec’s Manchester business secured, through lead contractor Galliford Try, a £3+m M&E design and installation contract to work on a £20m extra care scheme development for Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) which will provide 135 much-needed modern, energy efficient two-bedroom apartments: 66 for affordable rent, 39 for shared ownership and 30 for outright sale. They will ensure a high quality of life by providing an on-site 24 hour care team and a range of facilities specifically catering for their needs. Residents will be able to live independent lives accessing a high level of adaptable care.

The Project

The M&E scope includes all lighting, power and security systems (including fire alarms, CCTV, automatic door control, warden control and data) as well as the supply and installation of all major plant, hot and cold water distribution, drainage, ventilation and a comfort heating system. This project is also being designed and will be built to the highest BREEAM rating.

Significant planning and design work took place.  A key feature in the current design phase is the development of a fully interactive BIM/REVit 3D model which will provide detailed walkthroughs of all the M&E aspects of the project.

Quartzelec anticipate having around 15 to 20 fully qualified Quartzelec engineers and electricians working on-site throughout the delivery phase of the project.


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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos