LV Maintenance Switchgear

LV Maintenance Switchgear

Our Customer’s Challenge

The facilities team for for the West Yorkshire based hospital were looking to implement and execute a programme of intrusive switchgear maintenance to sub station No.1 main LV Panel which supplies a secure Mental Health unit where continuity of power whilst any maintenance or repair work is undertaken is crucial. 

The Quartzelec Solution

Quartzelec carried out extensive surveys of the sub station infrastructure including a load appraisal, utilising this information to formulate a plan to undertake what is an essential component in facilitating the delivery of essential switchgear maintenance. It was established that a 200kVA on-site portable generator would be necessary to ensure the crucual continuity of supply to these critical services in the event of a generator failure or fail to start during the essential maintenance which was programmed to be completed within an 8-hour window.

To facilitate the connection of the generators, Quartzelec installed a 250A supply into the essential side of the panel board via a 200A MCCB to BS 60947/2, feeding a 250A switch fuse - forming the generator connection point. It was agreed that the installation would remain a permanent addition to the electrical infrastructure, enhancing the sites ability to provide continuous clinical delivery and underpinning the resilience of the Mental Health Unit.

Key Benefits

The site’s essential intrusive switchgear maintenance ensuring continuous access to power without compromising patient security was enabled through:

  • Continuation of patient delivery
  • Continuity of supply
  • Qualified commercial Healthcare engineers 
  • Qualified under HTM requirements
  • Tailored programme




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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos