Bu Hasa Extraction Plant

Bu Hasa Extraction Plant

Project Summary

Service: Manufacturing, Installation & Commissioning

Duration: 26 Weeks



Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. (GASCO) is located in the heart of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi. It is one of the major players in the global gas and hydrocarbons market, conducting onshore gas processing and the transportation of gas and liquid products, contributing to the GDP of the UAE in a sustainable and responsible manner.

The Bu Hasa extraction plant was the first GASCO plant to come into operation in December 1980 and composes of two identical trains, processing associated gas from the neighbouring oil fields. GASCO had re-written motor specifications which now deemed that an old IK motor of Ex’N’ certification had to be replaced.

The Project

Quartzelec were awarded the contract to replace the motor with an EEx’p’ certified motor to meet latest site regulations with respect to Hazardous Zones including

installation and commissioning of the completely assembled motor.

In addition, GASCO had several motors on site retro-fitted with Quartzelec’s own advanced pneumatic LCP Purgepak system. They were so impressed with the operation of this system that the contract also included installation of another LCP Purgepak system, Euromold Fault Rated Mains Terminal Box and Capacitive Transformers for Partial Discharge Monitoring.

Throughout the contract, Quartzelec were responsible for the design, project management, supply chain management, installation and commissioning of the project and given the short timescale for such a critical motor, successfully met the deadline and the need to hit a scheduled outage.


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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos