


Airbus UK is a wholly owned subsidiary of Airbus SAS which produces wings for the Airbus aircraft family and is part of the EADS group. For most Airbus models the company is responsible for overall design and supply of landing gear. With a total workforce of around 13,000 people:- Filton near Bristol where the engineering and design activity takes place along with some manufacturing, and, at Broughton in Flintshire (near Chester) where other major wing component manufacturing and all wing assembly takes place. Each site employs over 6,000 people.

The Project

Quartzelec, at Wrexham has a long association with Airbus UK. Over many years we have continued the successful relationship with orders received totalling £1.5 million plus.

The work involves installing state-of-the-art access control and security systems for Airbus at Filton, Bristol, and Broughton, near Chester. The latest phase to upgrade security has involved an access control system to a new security gate, barriers and turnstiles at the main entrance to Filton’s “centre of excellence”. The installations offer 24/7 control of vehicles and their occupants, and pedestrians.

Quartzelec is the only UK installer of the Evolynx employee/visitor management system which is being introduced at Airbus. The majority of the work involves installing sophisticated access systems on all doors in approximately 50 buildings on the Filton and Broughton sites.

We have currently installed systems on 70 computer frame rooms, to enable IT workers to access secure areas, and also systems on 12 video conference rooms and dozens of offices. The system is complex because all staff have different levels of security that entitle them to enter some buildings and not others.

Presently at the Broughton wings production site we are installing access control in the Effluent Plants and the Boiler House car park automatic barrier.



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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos