Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN)

Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN)

Project Summary


Lateral Mains & Mural Wiring


2 year Framework


Quartzelec has further strengthened their relationship with Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) with the award of a two-year framework contract which involves extensive modernisation works to provide a complete, compliant and fully functional low voltage electrical distribution installation.

The customer’s objective is to provide a modern, robust infrastructure in readiness for the introduction of smart metering to the some 3½ million residential properties in the areas concerned.

The contract award follows on from the Lateral Mains and Mural Wiring contract awarded in late 2012 which was renewed in 2015. 

The Project

The ‘LV Modernisation Works’ contract covers both SP Distribution (in Scotland) and SP MANWEB (in North West England and Wales), and encompasses inspection and installation of specified service supply cables, including mural wiring, cable heads, distribution equipment and containment systems to residential properties to provide a complete, compliant and fully functional low voltage electrical distribution installation. It also includes enabling work such as hole coring, joinery and excavations as part of a turnkey solution.

As with all projects of this nature, there are many challenges and Quartzelec work hard to ensure that although each property landscape is different, we ensure all areas are returned to their original condition ensuring members of the public are happy with the end result.


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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos