Essar Stanlow

Essar Stanlow


The Stanlow oil refinery has a storage capacity of two million gallons of crude oil on nearly 2,000 acres. For safety reasons oil refineries are required to shut down every three years for complete maintenance and refurbishment. Typically during a one-month shutdown up to 2,000 contractors can be working on site, at a total cost of £35 million.

The Project

With a relationship that dates back to early 2008, Quartzelec had previously provided specialist electrical maintenance shutdown work and had been involved in a scheme to put forward improvement suggestions.

Fast forward two years and Quartzelec secured a significant three year contract which includes HV and LV maintenance work on switchgear at the ESSAR refinery (formerly Shell Stanlow) and which was further extended for two years following contract expiry.


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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos