The View's Great From Up Here!

8 February 2022

With facilities in both Aberdeen and Hamilton, Quartzelec are well placed to help support Scottish Renewables.

Our Aberdeen team has recently completed a project in the central belt of Scotland to carry out inspections on 11 large wind turbines to verify their condition as they approach the end of their warranty period.    

For this project our engineers carried out a detailed work scope within the Nacelle that included alignment checks, visual inspections as well as static electric checks and AWA baker testing of the generator stator windings. Partial discharge surveys were also completed on the turbine switchgear.

These inspections can often highlight concerns and give users early warnings about potential failures ,but in this case a clean bill of health was given to all equipment surveyed.

Quartzelec can typically support Wind Farms and Renewable Generation with operational maintenance, service and emergency support. We currently work with owner/operators of numerous Wind Farms across the UK; supplying SAP’s for HV switching services; delivering switchgear, transformer and cabling maintenance services; providing operational and technical support; repairing and replacing HV assets including rotating machines and conducting LV periodic inspections to name but a few.

Our team of fully qualified engineers have the necessary experience and certification to ensure the integrity of your wind turbines.

For more information about how we can help support your wind turbines with condition assessments, online condition monitoring as well as preventative and corrective maintenance for key components, static electrical equipment and rotating electrical machines, please contact us at



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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos