Quartzelec supports National Apprentice Week

7 February 2020

Quartzelec is committed to investing in the right people to become an integral part of our team. Fully supporting National Apprentice Week 2020 we met up with some of our youngest team members to find out what they thought…

“My confidence has grown so much! My next step will to become a role model for the current new intake of apprentices”

“On completion of my Quartzelec apprenticeship, i'm looking to continue my career here, gain more experience and take on more responsibility”.

“Working with apprentices from across the business has shown me what exciting opportunities there are and what possibilities there could be”.

"It's not only a great place to learn and work; but the team I work alongside is helping me shape my future".

To learn how a Quartzelec apprenticeship shapes futures, visit www.quartzelec.com/careers/apprenticeships    #NAW20  #QuartzelecPeople



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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos