Quartzelec ensures another M&E project goes like Clockwork

23 October 2019

Quartzelec, a leading independent engineering service provider, is nearing completion of a demanding 40‑week schedule of works delivering the M&E contracting elements on a 105 new rent‑to‑buy homes project at The Clockworks on Manchester’s Princess Road.

The £14.2m project designed by Northern Quarter‑based architect IDP and delivered by Galliford Try has been developed and delivered for housing association One Manchester.

“The M&E installations of this project have gone like clockwork; which you’d expect given the location,” stated Karl Voss, Quartzelec’s lead on the development. “The team has been delivering all of the Mechanical and Electrical services on this project since the start of the year and it’s great to see everything coming together within the agreed, but nevertheless extremely tight delivery deadline. This will be another important project delivered by Quartzelec on time and budget enabling the new residents to move in as originally scheduled and they should truly appreciate the quality of the overall build.”

The Clockworks development of 105 homes comprises two-bedroom apartments up to a maximum of six storeys, with a landscaped roof terrace for residents on its fourth floor; creating an interesting streetscape and unique development on one of Manchester's key arterial routes.

Under the rent-to-buy model residents will be able to rent for up to five years at a discounted rate before being given the option to buy their apartment. Its red brick design complements surrounding buildings in a contemporary manner, adding to Manchester's existing urban fabric, and bringing an alternative housing option to the area close to the city centre.

“This scheme is bringing exciting, modern architecture to the area, while respecting the local character of the neighbourhood,” added Brendan Blythe, Managing Director at Galliford Try Partnerships North West. "With its location on such a prominent route, these apartments afford excellent transport links and amenities and I've no doubt that they'll be a popular choice for professionals and families looking for city living."



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