Committed to keeping our team safe

28 April 2021

2020 was without doubt a challenging year for us all. Yet it has provided us with a unique opportunity to do more… The strength of our organisation and our success is inextricably linked to our people, whom we wanted to both support and protect during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a business we listened to government and professional body advice and applied our extensive H&S competence to the pandemic – treating Covid as a new risk to our people and stakeholders – and as time progressed, we embedded critical procedures into our SHEQ management system, to become a normal element of our day to day practices. Training, webinars, planning, learning – all resulted in a framework designed to keep our employees and our clients safe. And we are even more ready to face the future; developing a new employee focussed programme designed to support every member of our team. Our ‘Safe to Say’ campaign has recently been launched across the group, signposting an employee assistance programme through a series of themed communications, providing an opportunity for our people to access and receive support confidentially.

As we focus on The World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021, Quartzelec are now more than ever, committed to protecting our people and the environment in which they operate.




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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos