Committed to improving safety culture across the whole of the Quartzelec business

17 December 2021

Health and Safety is Quartzelec’s number one priority and throughout 2021 we have taken a number of steps forward to ensure our teams know it’s everybody’s responsibility, whichever part of the business they may work in.

In support, we’ve ended this year with a top-level ‘Safety Summit’ – one of the few opportunities we have had in 2021 to bring together members of all our UK teams off-site to discuss not only the high points, but those areas where we must do better – for our people and for our clients.

The objective - to agree actions to continue to improve safety culture across the business working also with our ‘It’s Safe to Say’ campaign, an employee focused well-being programme with the intention to provide a ‘safe’ environment to speak out or look for support without reprisal and in complete confidentiality. ​​​​​​​​

We were also privileged to have Craig Hutchison present who spoke about his personal experiences of a H&S investigation following a workplace fatality – a fantastic opportunity for our teams to have clear and thoughtful insight into such a harrowing experience and which clearly demonstrated how H&S should always be at the forefront of our actions and operations.

Lessons can always be learned and as a business we will be building on the outcomes of this summit which ended 2021 – kicking off 2022 with a Safety Stand Down for all #QuartzelecPeople



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Quartzteq GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH – 5436 Würenlos